The Minimalist by Monday Planner
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Frugality is a natural pathway to minimalism and vice versa.
While paying off $78,000 of debt we thought hard about what we really used so we could sell what we didn’t need. And as I learned to spend less I brought fewer things into my house. It’s this magical combination that introduced me to minimalism.
Maybe you came to frugality through an interest in minimalism. The two are beautifully intertwined. But what helps you achieve one doesn’t always help the other.
So I made a planner to help you transition from cluttered mess to a minimalist life with less stress!
Introducing the Minimalist by Monday Planner
Do you desperately want to declutter and live a minimalist lifestyle but the sheer magnitude of stuff in your house scares you stiff?
The Minimalist by Monday Planner will help you visualize, organize, and prioritize

The Minimalist by Monday Planner includes:
- 18 Pages to guide you in your first declutter
- Worksheets to help you visualize & plan
- A complete home inventory list based on the KonMari Method
- Short term decluttering schedules
- Long term decluttering schedules
- Reminder sheets so you never misplace important items again
- Declutter Mindset Guide to declutter clearly and efficiently
- Sorting Labels
- Organization Tips

If you’re ready to live a more minimalist life then start this weekend. Click here to get your Minimalist by Monday Planner.
Jen Smith is a personal finance expert, founder of Modern Frugality and co-host of the Frugal Friends Podcast. Her work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Lifehacker, Money Magazine, U.S. News and World Report, Business Insider, and more. She’s passionate about helping people gain control of their spending.